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Showing posts from June, 2021

Watering dead plants

I've really struggled with trying to figure out how to start this post in a sophisticated and classy way.   But I think I'm just going to let this one be complete word vomit (I swear they all connect somehow). For several several years, after many losses in friendships and relationships, I have had one consistent thought... What is it about me that can't make people stay? I changed drastically in the one year of college that I experienced.  I learned the importance of listening and observing rather than vocalizing every screaming thought I had like I did in high school.  And while that is a silver lining to the deep dark hole that I crawled into that year, the care that has been embedded into every single living and dying cell I have has been a steady increase since the day I was born and heightened even more because of this so called "college experience." I care too much, I know.  I have a terrible habit of adapting myself to the toxicities of other people.  And